Using to Manage FAQs in Your Kajabi Community

Mar 5, 2024

Private communities, like those created on Kajabi, can be a wonderful place for members to seek information, share experiences, and connect with like-minded individuals. However, one common aspect that can turn this vibrant interaction into a tedious affair is the relentless cycle of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). While the information can be essential for newcomers, seasoned community members often find themselves repeating the same responses, leading to a monotonous experience. 

In this blog post, we'll delve into the reasons why answering FAQs in community message boards can be tedious and explore how can be an effective way to alleviate this burden.

1. Repetition Fatigue:

The primary reason answering FAQs becomes tedious is the constant repetition. Seasoned community members often find themselves regurgitating the same information, which can be mentally draining. This repetition fatigue can lead to a decline in the overall quality of responses, as members may provide brief and less helpful answers just to get through the process.

2. Time Consumption:

Addressing FAQs can be time-consuming for community founders and moderators, especially when there's a high influx of new members or when the same questions are asked repeatedly. This time investment takes away from engaging in more meaningful discussions or contributing to the community in other valuable ways. As a result, community members may feel frustrated and disheartened, impacting their overall experience or level of engagement.

3. Lack of Variety:

Answering FAQs may limit the diversity of topics discussed on the message board. Regular contributors may find themselves stuck in a loop of addressing the basics, preventing them from exploring new and exciting topics. This lack of variety can lead to a decline in community engagement and the stifling of innovative conversations.

So, how can help? chatbots can be trained to answer the questions your Kajabi community members ask most frequently, ensuring your members get accurate answers while also keeping the conversations in the community fresh and interesting.

  1. To add your chatbot to your Kajabi community, follow these simple steps:

  2. Create a chatbot for your community and add resources that address the most common questions.

  3. Once you’ve finished training your chatbot, navigate to Settings > Chatbot and copy the Share link.

  4. Open your Kajabi Community and head to Settings > Navigation > Add Page. 

  5. Name the page and paste the link to your chatbot. You can also set it to be the primary page that members see when they log in.

That’s it - you’re all set! Let your community members know they can ask the chatbot any time they have questions. We hope this helps you build an online community that fosters a more engaging and rewarding experience for all of your members.

Using to Manage FAQs in Your Kajabi Community

Mar 5, 2024

Private communities, like those created on Kajabi, can be a wonderful place for members to seek information, share experiences, and connect with like-minded individuals. However, one common aspect that can turn this vibrant interaction into a tedious affair is the relentless cycle of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). While the information can be essential for newcomers, seasoned community members often find themselves repeating the same responses, leading to a monotonous experience. 

In this blog post, we'll delve into the reasons why answering FAQs in community message boards can be tedious and explore how can be an effective way to alleviate this burden.

1. Repetition Fatigue:

The primary reason answering FAQs becomes tedious is the constant repetition. Seasoned community members often find themselves regurgitating the same information, which can be mentally draining. This repetition fatigue can lead to a decline in the overall quality of responses, as members may provide brief and less helpful answers just to get through the process.

2. Time Consumption:

Addressing FAQs can be time-consuming for community founders and moderators, especially when there's a high influx of new members or when the same questions are asked repeatedly. This time investment takes away from engaging in more meaningful discussions or contributing to the community in other valuable ways. As a result, community members may feel frustrated and disheartened, impacting their overall experience or level of engagement.

3. Lack of Variety:

Answering FAQs may limit the diversity of topics discussed on the message board. Regular contributors may find themselves stuck in a loop of addressing the basics, preventing them from exploring new and exciting topics. This lack of variety can lead to a decline in community engagement and the stifling of innovative conversations.

So, how can help? chatbots can be trained to answer the questions your Kajabi community members ask most frequently, ensuring your members get accurate answers while also keeping the conversations in the community fresh and interesting.

  1. To add your chatbot to your Kajabi community, follow these simple steps:

  2. Create a chatbot for your community and add resources that address the most common questions.

  3. Once you’ve finished training your chatbot, navigate to Settings > Chatbot and copy the Share link.

  4. Open your Kajabi Community and head to Settings > Navigation > Add Page. 

  5. Name the page and paste the link to your chatbot. You can also set it to be the primary page that members see when they log in.

That’s it - you’re all set! Let your community members know they can ask the chatbot any time they have questions. We hope this helps you build an online community that fosters a more engaging and rewarding experience for all of your members.

Using to Manage FAQs in Your Kajabi Community

Mar 5, 2024

Private communities, like those created on Kajabi, can be a wonderful place for members to seek information, share experiences, and connect with like-minded individuals. However, one common aspect that can turn this vibrant interaction into a tedious affair is the relentless cycle of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). While the information can be essential for newcomers, seasoned community members often find themselves repeating the same responses, leading to a monotonous experience. 

In this blog post, we'll delve into the reasons why answering FAQs in community message boards can be tedious and explore how can be an effective way to alleviate this burden.

1. Repetition Fatigue:

The primary reason answering FAQs becomes tedious is the constant repetition. Seasoned community members often find themselves regurgitating the same information, which can be mentally draining. This repetition fatigue can lead to a decline in the overall quality of responses, as members may provide brief and less helpful answers just to get through the process.

2. Time Consumption:

Addressing FAQs can be time-consuming for community founders and moderators, especially when there's a high influx of new members or when the same questions are asked repeatedly. This time investment takes away from engaging in more meaningful discussions or contributing to the community in other valuable ways. As a result, community members may feel frustrated and disheartened, impacting their overall experience or level of engagement.

3. Lack of Variety:

Answering FAQs may limit the diversity of topics discussed on the message board. Regular contributors may find themselves stuck in a loop of addressing the basics, preventing them from exploring new and exciting topics. This lack of variety can lead to a decline in community engagement and the stifling of innovative conversations.

So, how can help? chatbots can be trained to answer the questions your Kajabi community members ask most frequently, ensuring your members get accurate answers while also keeping the conversations in the community fresh and interesting.

  1. To add your chatbot to your Kajabi community, follow these simple steps:

  2. Create a chatbot for your community and add resources that address the most common questions.

  3. Once you’ve finished training your chatbot, navigate to Settings > Chatbot and copy the Share link.

  4. Open your Kajabi Community and head to Settings > Navigation > Add Page. 

  5. Name the page and paste the link to your chatbot. You can also set it to be the primary page that members see when they log in.

That’s it - you’re all set! Let your community members know they can ask the chatbot any time they have questions. We hope this helps you build an online community that fosters a more engaging and rewarding experience for all of your members.