Acceptable Use Policy

Last Updated: June 26, 2023

All defined terms used in this Acceptable Use Policy will have the meanings set forth in the Terms of Service (the “ Terms”).


All Creator must follow this AUP in their use of the Platform. If you violate this AUP, we may suspend and/or terminate your Account, block your access to the Platform, remove and/or delete Content from your Account(s); block all third-party access to Content on your Account(s); and/or communicate a violation to impacted third parties and/or law enforcement authorities (where appropriate and subject to applicable law).

Legal Compliance

You must use the Platform in compliance with, and only as permitted by, applicable law. The use of the Platform in conjunction with other tools or resources in furtherance of any of the unacceptable uses we describe is also prohibited. We encourage you to seek independent legal counsel to determine what laws are applicable to your business and the use of the Platform.

Your Responsibilities

You are responsible for your conduct, Content, and communications with others while using the Platform. You must comply with the following requirements when using the Platform. If we become aware of any conduct or Content that falls outside the bounds of what is acceptable under this AUP, we will take all appropriate action, including limiting access to it, removing it and/or reporting it, as well as suspending or terminating your Account. We may also take steps to prevent uses of the Platform that are contrary to the spirit of this AUP.

  1. You may not use the Platform to commit any unlawful activity; or for activities where use or failure of the Platform could lead to physical damage, death, mental harm, or personal injury.

  2. You may not provide any individual under the age of 16 (or under any other restricted age as provided in certain countries and territories) with access to the Platform or your Content.

  3. You may not purchase, use, or access the Platform for the purpose of building a product or service that is competitive to the Platform or for any other competitive purposes.

  4. You may not misuse the Platform by interfering with its normal operation or attempting to access it using a method other than through the interfaces and instructions that we provide.

  5. You may not circumvent or attempt to circumvent any limitations that imposes on your Account (such as by opening up a new account to create or distribute Content) that we have closed for a violation of our terms or policies.

  6. Unless authorized by in writing, you may not probe, scan, or test the vulnerability or security of the Platform or any system or network.

  7. Unless authorized by in writing, you may not use any manual or automated system or software to extract or scrape data from websites or other interfaces through which we make the Platform available.You may not deny others access to, or reverse engineer, the Platform, or assist anyone else to do so, to the extent such restriction is permitted by law.

  8. You may not store or transmit any viruses, malware, or other types of malicious software, or links to such software, through the Platform.

  9. You may not use the to infringe the intellectual property rights of others.

  10. Unless authorized by in writing, you may not resell or sublicense the Platform.

  11. If your use of the Platform requires you to comply with industry-specific regulations applicable to such use, you will be solely responsible for such compliance, unless has agreed with you in writing otherwise. You may not use the Platform in a way that would subject to those industry-specific regulations without obtaining’s prior written agreement.

  12. You may not post or upload any Content that contains personally identifiable information, sensitive personal information, or confidential information, such as credit card numbers, confidential national ID numbers, or account passwords, unless you have the required consent from the person to whom the information belongs or who is otherwise authorized to provide such consent.  

  13. You may not use the Platform to collect, store, or process any protected health information subject to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), any applicable health privacy regulation, or any other applicable law governing the processing, use, or disclosure of health information.

  14. You must use a valid email address to register an account. You may not register accounts using a disposable or temporary email address, “bots”, or other unauthorized automated methods.

  15. We may offer content for use with the Platform, such as images or video that are provided by third parties. You may use that material solely in your Content. may modify or revoke that permission at any time at our sole discretion. In using such material, you may not imply that your Content or use of the Platform is affiliated with or run or endorsed by any company, product, brand, or service depicted in that material unless you have obtained their prior written consent.

  16. You may not engage in abusive or excessive usage of the Platform, which is usage significantly in excess of average usage patterns of reasonable users similar to you, including any usage that adversely affects the speed, responsiveness, stability, availability, or functionality of the Platform for other users. will endeavor to notify you of any abusive or excessive usage to provide you with an opportunity to reduce such usage to a level acceptable to

  17. To the extent that you use the Platform to record or monitor calls, coaching sessions, online meetings, or other communications, you must comply with all applicable laws related thereto, including securing any required prior consents.

  18. You must comply with all acceptable use policies of Third Party Services that you use in connection with the Platform, (e.g., Open AI's Policies).

  19. You may not host or transmit Content that is or contains false, inaccurate, or intentionally deceptive information that is likely to cause harm to the public or adversely affect the public interest (including health, safety, election integrity, and civic participation).

Malicious and Deceptive Practices

We strive to protect all our users. We take specific measures to ensure users are not misled by content used for fraudulent, deceptive, or malicious purposes. You may not perform activities or upload or distribute Content that harm or disrupt the operation of the Platform or others or use the Platform for deceptive commercial practices or any other illegal or deceptive activities. Accordingly, we will suspend and/or terminate any such use, as determined in our sole discretion including, but not limited to the following:

  • attempting to collect social security numbers or similar government-issued identification numbers, credit card numbers (other than solely for collecting payment through an authorized payment processor as permitted by the Platform), passwords, or other similar types of sensitive information;

  • publishing a person’s sensitive identifying information without their consent;

  • intending to harm, deceive, and/or mislead recipients, including by linking to websites with malicious software such as malware;

  • promoting or recruiting for pyramid schemes, multi-level marketing campaigns, or other false earning scams;

  • hosting Content that is merely intended to solicit clicks to other sites; or

  • knowingly and artificially boosting or inflating a website or webpage’s search engine ranking or reputation, including by offering or selling social media “likes”, followers, reviews, comments, or similar services.

Privacy and Impersonation

Your Customers provide information with the expectation that their information will be handled respectfully and not abused. Accordingly, you are responsible for complying with all applicable data protection laws and regulations with respect to any data that you submit to or collect through the Platform.

  • We encourage you to disclose your privacy practices when you use the Platform and, if you do, we require you to act in accordance with those practices.

  • You may not claim that any use of the Platform is anonymous when it is not.

  • You may not impersonate others when using the Platform or collecting information.

Violence and Hateful Content

We may limit access to or remove Content and may report information related to that Content to law enforcement authorities if we become aware of, or believe that, a genuine risk of harm or threat to public safety and health exists.

  • The Platform may not be used to directly or indirectly threaten or attack others, or to organize or incite violence, harassment, terrorism, or property damage.

  • The Platform may not be used for hate speech, or to promote, condone, or fund such acts. Examples of hate speech include attacking or advocating for the abuse or exclusion of people based on their ethnicity, national origin, political or religious affiliations, gender, age, sexual orientation, genetic predisposition, disability, medical or physical condition, veteran status, or any forms of discriminatory intolerance or other protected classes under applicable law. You may not use the Platform to promote or support organizations,, or people that promote or condone such hate or threaten or condone violence to further a cause.

  • The Platform may not be used to promote, incite, or glorify self-harm or acts of terrorism.

  • The Platform may not be used to capitalize on sensitive events. We will not allow Content that may be deemed as capitalizing on or lacking reasonable sensitivity towards a natural disaster, conflict, death, political violence, or other tragic event with no discernible benefit to the victims.

  • The Platform may not be used to promote or depict cruelty or gratuitous violence towards animals, or which may be interpreted as trading in or selling products derived from threatened or extinct species.

Bullying, Harassment, and Criminal Activity

You may not use the Platform to bully, harass, defame, or threaten others, in furtherance of any criminal activity, or in violation of any applicable laws of the jurisdiction in which you operate or do business.

Terrorist Organizations

You may not offer goods or services, or post or upload Content, that imply or promote support or funding of, or membership in, a terrorist organization.

Child Exploitation

You may not offer goods or services, or post or upload Content, that exploit or abuse children, including but not limited to images or depictions of child abuse or sexual abuse, or that present children in a sexual manner, or asking for personally identifiable information of children. This includes Content that may not be illegal child sexual abuse material but which nonetheless sexually exploits or promotes the sexual exploitation of children.

Pornography and Offensive Material

We acknowledge nudity, pornography, and gore may have a legitimate place in certain uses of the Platform. However, we discourage the gratuitous inclusion of such materials.

  • You may not include gratuitous graphic violent material or pornography in connection with the use of the Platform.

  • We recommend adding a conspicuous warning screen before displaying any material that may contain nudity, adult content, or be offensive in nature.

  • You may not under any circumstances share, transmit, upload, or store materials that constitute unlawful pornography or materials that are otherwise indecent.

Some industries have higher-than-average abuse complaints, which can jeopardize our reputation and deliverability. In order to maintain the reliability of the Platform, we may not allow certain types of Content, including, but not limited to:

  • Escort services, mail-order bride/spouse finders, international marriage brokers, and similar sites.

  • Hookup/pickup, swinger, pay-per-view, adult live chat features, or sexual encounter sites.

Intellectual Property Infringement

We require that all our Heroes respect the intellectual property rights of others. You must have the appropriate rights to any Content or Customer Data you use or include through the use of the Platform. It is your responsibility to determine what rights you need, to obtain and maintain those rights, and to understand how you are permitted to exercise those rights. You may not offer goods or services, or post or upload Content, that infringe on the copyright, trademark (this includes logos, brands, and other indicia of source), or any other intellectual property rights of others. We recommend that you seek independent legal counsel if you have questions about your use of content or intellectual property owned by a third party.

Best Practices

As an ecommerce and marketing with customers all over the world, we are committed to preventing abuse of the Platform to protect both our Heroes and their Customers and Contacts. It’s also important to us to keep the Platform clean and avoid abuse because our reputation and deliverability depend on it. In our Help Center, we provide our Heroes resources outlining best practices for use of the Platform and we encourage all Heroes to seek independent legal counsel if you have any questions on what may be a violation of this AUP.’s Rights is not responsible for and does not necessarily endorse the Content and businesses of, or hold the opinions expressed by, our Heroes, content contributors, or other third parties. You acknowledge that by providing you with the ability to view and post Content through the Platform, is not undertaking any obligation or liability relating to the Content. We (i) do not pre-screen Content; (ii) do not undertake or assume any duty to monitor the Platform for inappropriate or unlawful content; and (ii) assume no responsibility or liability that may arise from a Hero’s Content, including, but not limited to, claims for defamation, libel, slander, infringement, invasion of privacy and publicity rights, obscenity, pornography, profanity, fraud, or misrepresentation.

You acknowledge that, in order to ensure compliance with legal obligations, may review Content submitted to the Platform to determine whether it is illegal or whether it violates this AUP or the Terms (such as when unlawful content is reported to us). We have the sole discretion to modify, prevent access to, delete, or refuse to display Content that we believe violates law, this AUP, or the Terms. If determines, in our sole discretion, that any use of the violates this AUP or the Terms, causes damage to our brand or reputation, or results in an excessive volume of complaints, we have the right to suspend or terminate your Account and your use of the It is also in our sole discretion to refuse or remove any Content from the Platform or to refuse service to anyone for any reason at any time. may modify this AUP at any time by posting a revised version at AUP. By continuing to use the Platform or accessing your Account after a revised version of this AUP has been posted, you agree to comply with the latest version.  

Reporting Violations

If you identify content that you believe is in violation of this AUP, you may file an abuse report at [email protected]. Please include the URL of the website at issue.

What happens if you violate our policies

Depending on the type of violation of our policies, may respond in several different ways. In some cases, we may allow an appeals process for you to fix the policy violation. If you believe that your access and/or your account has been suspended in error, you may request an appeal by emailing us at [email protected]. Below is a list of various ways we enforce policies, without limiting’s rights under applicable law.

Services suspension

We may suspend you from using the Platform or specific services or features if you violate our policies. This means that you can no longer use the Platform or applicable service until the problem is fixed and has passed a policy review. Depending on the nature of the violation, will use reasonable efforts to notify you of the suspension and give you an opportunity to cure the violation.

Account termination

We may immediately terminate your account, or access to the Platform, if you have several violations or a serious violation. If this happens, access to the Platform or other relevant service(s) will be immediately disabled. Depending on the nature of the violation, we will provide you with access to your account in order to migrate your data off of the In accordance with our [DPA], any Customer Data may be deleted 90 days after your account termination. Any related accounts, including any new account, may be automatically suspended or terminated. We may report any illegal activity if required by law.

Acceptable Use Policy

Last Updated: June 26, 2023

All defined terms used in this Acceptable Use Policy will have the meanings set forth in the Terms of Service (the “ Terms”).


All Creator must follow this AUP in their use of the Platform. If you violate this AUP, we may suspend and/or terminate your Account, block your access to the Platform, remove and/or delete Content from your Account(s); block all third-party access to Content on your Account(s); and/or communicate a violation to impacted third parties and/or law enforcement authorities (where appropriate and subject to applicable law).

Legal Compliance

You must use the Platform in compliance with, and only as permitted by, applicable law. The use of the Platform in conjunction with other tools or resources in furtherance of any of the unacceptable uses we describe is also prohibited. We encourage you to seek independent legal counsel to determine what laws are applicable to your business and the use of the Platform.

Your Responsibilities

You are responsible for your conduct, Content, and communications with others while using the Platform. You must comply with the following requirements when using the Platform. If we become aware of any conduct or Content that falls outside the bounds of what is acceptable under this AUP, we will take all appropriate action, including limiting access to it, removing it and/or reporting it, as well as suspending or terminating your Account. We may also take steps to prevent uses of the Platform that are contrary to the spirit of this AUP.

  1. You may not use the Platform to commit any unlawful activity; or for activities where use or failure of the Platform could lead to physical damage, death, mental harm, or personal injury.

  2. You may not provide any individual under the age of 16 (or under any other restricted age as provided in certain countries and territories) with access to the Platform or your Content.

  3. You may not purchase, use, or access the Platform for the purpose of building a product or service that is competitive to the Platform or for any other competitive purposes.

  4. You may not misuse the Platform by interfering with its normal operation or attempting to access it using a method other than through the interfaces and instructions that we provide.

  5. You may not circumvent or attempt to circumvent any limitations that imposes on your Account (such as by opening up a new account to create or distribute Content) that we have closed for a violation of our terms or policies.

  6. Unless authorized by in writing, you may not probe, scan, or test the vulnerability or security of the Platform or any system or network.

  7. Unless authorized by in writing, you may not use any manual or automated system or software to extract or scrape data from websites or other interfaces through which we make the Platform available.You may not deny others access to, or reverse engineer, the Platform, or assist anyone else to do so, to the extent such restriction is permitted by law.

  8. You may not store or transmit any viruses, malware, or other types of malicious software, or links to such software, through the Platform.

  9. You may not use the to infringe the intellectual property rights of others.

  10. Unless authorized by in writing, you may not resell or sublicense the Platform.

  11. If your use of the Platform requires you to comply with industry-specific regulations applicable to such use, you will be solely responsible for such compliance, unless has agreed with you in writing otherwise. You may not use the Platform in a way that would subject to those industry-specific regulations without obtaining’s prior written agreement.

  12. You may not post or upload any Content that contains personally identifiable information, sensitive personal information, or confidential information, such as credit card numbers, confidential national ID numbers, or account passwords, unless you have the required consent from the person to whom the information belongs or who is otherwise authorized to provide such consent.  

  13. You may not use the Platform to collect, store, or process any protected health information subject to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), any applicable health privacy regulation, or any other applicable law governing the processing, use, or disclosure of health information.

  14. You must use a valid email address to register an account. You may not register accounts using a disposable or temporary email address, “bots”, or other unauthorized automated methods.

  15. We may offer content for use with the Platform, such as images or video that are provided by third parties. You may use that material solely in your Content. may modify or revoke that permission at any time at our sole discretion. In using such material, you may not imply that your Content or use of the Platform is affiliated with or run or endorsed by any company, product, brand, or service depicted in that material unless you have obtained their prior written consent.

  16. You may not engage in abusive or excessive usage of the Platform, which is usage significantly in excess of average usage patterns of reasonable users similar to you, including any usage that adversely affects the speed, responsiveness, stability, availability, or functionality of the Platform for other users. will endeavor to notify you of any abusive or excessive usage to provide you with an opportunity to reduce such usage to a level acceptable to

  17. To the extent that you use the Platform to record or monitor calls, coaching sessions, online meetings, or other communications, you must comply with all applicable laws related thereto, including securing any required prior consents.

  18. You must comply with all acceptable use policies of Third Party Services that you use in connection with the Platform, (e.g., Open AI's Policies).

  19. You may not host or transmit Content that is or contains false, inaccurate, or intentionally deceptive information that is likely to cause harm to the public or adversely affect the public interest (including health, safety, election integrity, and civic participation).

Malicious and Deceptive Practices

We strive to protect all our users. We take specific measures to ensure users are not misled by content used for fraudulent, deceptive, or malicious purposes. You may not perform activities or upload or distribute Content that harm or disrupt the operation of the Platform or others or use the Platform for deceptive commercial practices or any other illegal or deceptive activities. Accordingly, we will suspend and/or terminate any such use, as determined in our sole discretion including, but not limited to the following:

  • attempting to collect social security numbers or similar government-issued identification numbers, credit card numbers (other than solely for collecting payment through an authorized payment processor as permitted by the Platform), passwords, or other similar types of sensitive information;

  • publishing a person’s sensitive identifying information without their consent;

  • intending to harm, deceive, and/or mislead recipients, including by linking to websites with malicious software such as malware;

  • promoting or recruiting for pyramid schemes, multi-level marketing campaigns, or other false earning scams;

  • hosting Content that is merely intended to solicit clicks to other sites; or

  • knowingly and artificially boosting or inflating a website or webpage’s search engine ranking or reputation, including by offering or selling social media “likes”, followers, reviews, comments, or similar services.

Privacy and Impersonation

Your Customers provide information with the expectation that their information will be handled respectfully and not abused. Accordingly, you are responsible for complying with all applicable data protection laws and regulations with respect to any data that you submit to or collect through the Platform.

  • We encourage you to disclose your privacy practices when you use the Platform and, if you do, we require you to act in accordance with those practices.

  • You may not claim that any use of the Platform is anonymous when it is not.

  • You may not impersonate others when using the Platform or collecting information.

Violence and Hateful Content

We may limit access to or remove Content and may report information related to that Content to law enforcement authorities if we become aware of, or believe that, a genuine risk of harm or threat to public safety and health exists.

  • The Platform may not be used to directly or indirectly threaten or attack others, or to organize or incite violence, harassment, terrorism, or property damage.

  • The Platform may not be used for hate speech, or to promote, condone, or fund such acts. Examples of hate speech include attacking or advocating for the abuse or exclusion of people based on their ethnicity, national origin, political or religious affiliations, gender, age, sexual orientation, genetic predisposition, disability, medical or physical condition, veteran status, or any forms of discriminatory intolerance or other protected classes under applicable law. You may not use the Platform to promote or support organizations,, or people that promote or condone such hate or threaten or condone violence to further a cause.

  • The Platform may not be used to promote, incite, or glorify self-harm or acts of terrorism.

  • The Platform may not be used to capitalize on sensitive events. We will not allow Content that may be deemed as capitalizing on or lacking reasonable sensitivity towards a natural disaster, conflict, death, political violence, or other tragic event with no discernible benefit to the victims.

  • The Platform may not be used to promote or depict cruelty or gratuitous violence towards animals, or which may be interpreted as trading in or selling products derived from threatened or extinct species.

Bullying, Harassment, and Criminal Activity

You may not use the Platform to bully, harass, defame, or threaten others, in furtherance of any criminal activity, or in violation of any applicable laws of the jurisdiction in which you operate or do business.

Terrorist Organizations

You may not offer goods or services, or post or upload Content, that imply or promote support or funding of, or membership in, a terrorist organization.

Child Exploitation

You may not offer goods or services, or post or upload Content, that exploit or abuse children, including but not limited to images or depictions of child abuse or sexual abuse, or that present children in a sexual manner, or asking for personally identifiable information of children. This includes Content that may not be illegal child sexual abuse material but which nonetheless sexually exploits or promotes the sexual exploitation of children.

Pornography and Offensive Material

We acknowledge nudity, pornography, and gore may have a legitimate place in certain uses of the Platform. However, we discourage the gratuitous inclusion of such materials.

  • You may not include gratuitous graphic violent material or pornography in connection with the use of the Platform.

  • We recommend adding a conspicuous warning screen before displaying any material that may contain nudity, adult content, or be offensive in nature.

  • You may not under any circumstances share, transmit, upload, or store materials that constitute unlawful pornography or materials that are otherwise indecent.

Some industries have higher-than-average abuse complaints, which can jeopardize our reputation and deliverability. In order to maintain the reliability of the Platform, we may not allow certain types of Content, including, but not limited to:

  • Escort services, mail-order bride/spouse finders, international marriage brokers, and similar sites.

  • Hookup/pickup, swinger, pay-per-view, adult live chat features, or sexual encounter sites.

Intellectual Property Infringement

We require that all our Heroes respect the intellectual property rights of others. You must have the appropriate rights to any Content or Customer Data you use or include through the use of the Platform. It is your responsibility to determine what rights you need, to obtain and maintain those rights, and to understand how you are permitted to exercise those rights. You may not offer goods or services, or post or upload Content, that infringe on the copyright, trademark (this includes logos, brands, and other indicia of source), or any other intellectual property rights of others. We recommend that you seek independent legal counsel if you have questions about your use of content or intellectual property owned by a third party.

Best Practices

As an ecommerce and marketing with customers all over the world, we are committed to preventing abuse of the Platform to protect both our Heroes and their Customers and Contacts. It’s also important to us to keep the Platform clean and avoid abuse because our reputation and deliverability depend on it. In our Help Center, we provide our Heroes resources outlining best practices for use of the Platform and we encourage all Heroes to seek independent legal counsel if you have any questions on what may be a violation of this AUP.’s Rights is not responsible for and does not necessarily endorse the Content and businesses of, or hold the opinions expressed by, our Heroes, content contributors, or other third parties. You acknowledge that by providing you with the ability to view and post Content through the Platform, is not undertaking any obligation or liability relating to the Content. We (i) do not pre-screen Content; (ii) do not undertake or assume any duty to monitor the Platform for inappropriate or unlawful content; and (ii) assume no responsibility or liability that may arise from a Hero’s Content, including, but not limited to, claims for defamation, libel, slander, infringement, invasion of privacy and publicity rights, obscenity, pornography, profanity, fraud, or misrepresentation.

You acknowledge that, in order to ensure compliance with legal obligations, may review Content submitted to the Platform to determine whether it is illegal or whether it violates this AUP or the Terms (such as when unlawful content is reported to us). We have the sole discretion to modify, prevent access to, delete, or refuse to display Content that we believe violates law, this AUP, or the Terms. If determines, in our sole discretion, that any use of the violates this AUP or the Terms, causes damage to our brand or reputation, or results in an excessive volume of complaints, we have the right to suspend or terminate your Account and your use of the It is also in our sole discretion to refuse or remove any Content from the Platform or to refuse service to anyone for any reason at any time. may modify this AUP at any time by posting a revised version at AUP. By continuing to use the Platform or accessing your Account after a revised version of this AUP has been posted, you agree to comply with the latest version.  

Reporting Violations

If you identify content that you believe is in violation of this AUP, you may file an abuse report at [email protected]. Please include the URL of the website at issue.

What happens if you violate our policies

Depending on the type of violation of our policies, may respond in several different ways. In some cases, we may allow an appeals process for you to fix the policy violation. If you believe that your access and/or your account has been suspended in error, you may request an appeal by emailing us at [email protected]. Below is a list of various ways we enforce policies, without limiting’s rights under applicable law.

Services suspension

We may suspend you from using the Platform or specific services or features if you violate our policies. This means that you can no longer use the Platform or applicable service until the problem is fixed and has passed a policy review. Depending on the nature of the violation, will use reasonable efforts to notify you of the suspension and give you an opportunity to cure the violation.

Account termination

We may immediately terminate your account, or access to the Platform, if you have several violations or a serious violation. If this happens, access to the Platform or other relevant service(s) will be immediately disabled. Depending on the nature of the violation, we will provide you with access to your account in order to migrate your data off of the In accordance with our [DPA], any Customer Data may be deleted 90 days after your account termination. Any related accounts, including any new account, may be automatically suspended or terminated. We may report any illegal activity if required by law.

Acceptable Use Policy

Last Updated: June 26, 2023

All defined terms used in this Acceptable Use Policy will have the meanings set forth in the Terms of Service (the “ Terms”).


All Creator must follow this AUP in their use of the Platform. If you violate this AUP, we may suspend and/or terminate your Account, block your access to the Platform, remove and/or delete Content from your Account(s); block all third-party access to Content on your Account(s); and/or communicate a violation to impacted third parties and/or law enforcement authorities (where appropriate and subject to applicable law).

Legal Compliance

You must use the Platform in compliance with, and only as permitted by, applicable law. The use of the Platform in conjunction with other tools or resources in furtherance of any of the unacceptable uses we describe is also prohibited. We encourage you to seek independent legal counsel to determine what laws are applicable to your business and the use of the Platform.

Your Responsibilities

You are responsible for your conduct, Content, and communications with others while using the Platform. You must comply with the following requirements when using the Platform. If we become aware of any conduct or Content that falls outside the bounds of what is acceptable under this AUP, we will take all appropriate action, including limiting access to it, removing it and/or reporting it, as well as suspending or terminating your Account. We may also take steps to prevent uses of the Platform that are contrary to the spirit of this AUP.

  1. You may not use the Platform to commit any unlawful activity; or for activities where use or failure of the Platform could lead to physical damage, death, mental harm, or personal injury.

  2. You may not provide any individual under the age of 16 (or under any other restricted age as provided in certain countries and territories) with access to the Platform or your Content.

  3. You may not purchase, use, or access the Platform for the purpose of building a product or service that is competitive to the Platform or for any other competitive purposes.

  4. You may not misuse the Platform by interfering with its normal operation or attempting to access it using a method other than through the interfaces and instructions that we provide.

  5. You may not circumvent or attempt to circumvent any limitations that imposes on your Account (such as by opening up a new account to create or distribute Content) that we have closed for a violation of our terms or policies.

  6. Unless authorized by in writing, you may not probe, scan, or test the vulnerability or security of the Platform or any system or network.

  7. Unless authorized by in writing, you may not use any manual or automated system or software to extract or scrape data from websites or other interfaces through which we make the Platform available.You may not deny others access to, or reverse engineer, the Platform, or assist anyone else to do so, to the extent such restriction is permitted by law.

  8. You may not store or transmit any viruses, malware, or other types of malicious software, or links to such software, through the Platform.

  9. You may not use the to infringe the intellectual property rights of others.

  10. Unless authorized by in writing, you may not resell or sublicense the Platform.

  11. If your use of the Platform requires you to comply with industry-specific regulations applicable to such use, you will be solely responsible for such compliance, unless has agreed with you in writing otherwise. You may not use the Platform in a way that would subject to those industry-specific regulations without obtaining’s prior written agreement.

  12. You may not post or upload any Content that contains personally identifiable information, sensitive personal information, or confidential information, such as credit card numbers, confidential national ID numbers, or account passwords, unless you have the required consent from the person to whom the information belongs or who is otherwise authorized to provide such consent.  

  13. You may not use the Platform to collect, store, or process any protected health information subject to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), any applicable health privacy regulation, or any other applicable law governing the processing, use, or disclosure of health information.

  14. You must use a valid email address to register an account. You may not register accounts using a disposable or temporary email address, “bots”, or other unauthorized automated methods.

  15. We may offer content for use with the Platform, such as images or video that are provided by third parties. You may use that material solely in your Content. may modify or revoke that permission at any time at our sole discretion. In using such material, you may not imply that your Content or use of the Platform is affiliated with or run or endorsed by any company, product, brand, or service depicted in that material unless you have obtained their prior written consent.

  16. You may not engage in abusive or excessive usage of the Platform, which is usage significantly in excess of average usage patterns of reasonable users similar to you, including any usage that adversely affects the speed, responsiveness, stability, availability, or functionality of the Platform for other users. will endeavor to notify you of any abusive or excessive usage to provide you with an opportunity to reduce such usage to a level acceptable to

  17. To the extent that you use the Platform to record or monitor calls, coaching sessions, online meetings, or other communications, you must comply with all applicable laws related thereto, including securing any required prior consents.

  18. You must comply with all acceptable use policies of Third Party Services that you use in connection with the Platform, (e.g., Open AI's Policies).

  19. You may not host or transmit Content that is or contains false, inaccurate, or intentionally deceptive information that is likely to cause harm to the public or adversely affect the public interest (including health, safety, election integrity, and civic participation).

Malicious and Deceptive Practices

We strive to protect all our users. We take specific measures to ensure users are not misled by content used for fraudulent, deceptive, or malicious purposes. You may not perform activities or upload or distribute Content that harm or disrupt the operation of the Platform or others or use the Platform for deceptive commercial practices or any other illegal or deceptive activities. Accordingly, we will suspend and/or terminate any such use, as determined in our sole discretion including, but not limited to the following:

  • attempting to collect social security numbers or similar government-issued identification numbers, credit card numbers (other than solely for collecting payment through an authorized payment processor as permitted by the Platform), passwords, or other similar types of sensitive information;

  • publishing a person’s sensitive identifying information without their consent;

  • intending to harm, deceive, and/or mislead recipients, including by linking to websites with malicious software such as malware;

  • promoting or recruiting for pyramid schemes, multi-level marketing campaigns, or other false earning scams;

  • hosting Content that is merely intended to solicit clicks to other sites; or

  • knowingly and artificially boosting or inflating a website or webpage’s search engine ranking or reputation, including by offering or selling social media “likes”, followers, reviews, comments, or similar services.

Privacy and Impersonation

Your Customers provide information with the expectation that their information will be handled respectfully and not abused. Accordingly, you are responsible for complying with all applicable data protection laws and regulations with respect to any data that you submit to or collect through the Platform.

  • We encourage you to disclose your privacy practices when you use the Platform and, if you do, we require you to act in accordance with those practices.

  • You may not claim that any use of the Platform is anonymous when it is not.

  • You may not impersonate others when using the Platform or collecting information.

Violence and Hateful Content

We may limit access to or remove Content and may report information related to that Content to law enforcement authorities if we become aware of, or believe that, a genuine risk of harm or threat to public safety and health exists.

  • The Platform may not be used to directly or indirectly threaten or attack others, or to organize or incite violence, harassment, terrorism, or property damage.

  • The Platform may not be used for hate speech, or to promote, condone, or fund such acts. Examples of hate speech include attacking or advocating for the abuse or exclusion of people based on their ethnicity, national origin, political or religious affiliations, gender, age, sexual orientation, genetic predisposition, disability, medical or physical condition, veteran status, or any forms of discriminatory intolerance or other protected classes under applicable law. You may not use the Platform to promote or support organizations,, or people that promote or condone such hate or threaten or condone violence to further a cause.

  • The Platform may not be used to promote, incite, or glorify self-harm or acts of terrorism.

  • The Platform may not be used to capitalize on sensitive events. We will not allow Content that may be deemed as capitalizing on or lacking reasonable sensitivity towards a natural disaster, conflict, death, political violence, or other tragic event with no discernible benefit to the victims.

  • The Platform may not be used to promote or depict cruelty or gratuitous violence towards animals, or which may be interpreted as trading in or selling products derived from threatened or extinct species.

Bullying, Harassment, and Criminal Activity

You may not use the Platform to bully, harass, defame, or threaten others, in furtherance of any criminal activity, or in violation of any applicable laws of the jurisdiction in which you operate or do business.

Terrorist Organizations

You may not offer goods or services, or post or upload Content, that imply or promote support or funding of, or membership in, a terrorist organization.

Child Exploitation

You may not offer goods or services, or post or upload Content, that exploit or abuse children, including but not limited to images or depictions of child abuse or sexual abuse, or that present children in a sexual manner, or asking for personally identifiable information of children. This includes Content that may not be illegal child sexual abuse material but which nonetheless sexually exploits or promotes the sexual exploitation of children.

Pornography and Offensive Material

We acknowledge nudity, pornography, and gore may have a legitimate place in certain uses of the Platform. However, we discourage the gratuitous inclusion of such materials.

  • You may not include gratuitous graphic violent material or pornography in connection with the use of the Platform.

  • We recommend adding a conspicuous warning screen before displaying any material that may contain nudity, adult content, or be offensive in nature.

  • You may not under any circumstances share, transmit, upload, or store materials that constitute unlawful pornography or materials that are otherwise indecent.

Some industries have higher-than-average abuse complaints, which can jeopardize our reputation and deliverability. In order to maintain the reliability of the Platform, we may not allow certain types of Content, including, but not limited to:

  • Escort services, mail-order bride/spouse finders, international marriage brokers, and similar sites.

  • Hookup/pickup, swinger, pay-per-view, adult live chat features, or sexual encounter sites.

Intellectual Property Infringement

We require that all our Heroes respect the intellectual property rights of others. You must have the appropriate rights to any Content or Customer Data you use or include through the use of the Platform. It is your responsibility to determine what rights you need, to obtain and maintain those rights, and to understand how you are permitted to exercise those rights. You may not offer goods or services, or post or upload Content, that infringe on the copyright, trademark (this includes logos, brands, and other indicia of source), or any other intellectual property rights of others. We recommend that you seek independent legal counsel if you have questions about your use of content or intellectual property owned by a third party.

Best Practices

As an ecommerce and marketing with customers all over the world, we are committed to preventing abuse of the Platform to protect both our Heroes and their Customers and Contacts. It’s also important to us to keep the Platform clean and avoid abuse because our reputation and deliverability depend on it. In our Help Center, we provide our Heroes resources outlining best practices for use of the Platform and we encourage all Heroes to seek independent legal counsel if you have any questions on what may be a violation of this AUP.’s Rights is not responsible for and does not necessarily endorse the Content and businesses of, or hold the opinions expressed by, our Heroes, content contributors, or other third parties. You acknowledge that by providing you with the ability to view and post Content through the Platform, is not undertaking any obligation or liability relating to the Content. We (i) do not pre-screen Content; (ii) do not undertake or assume any duty to monitor the Platform for inappropriate or unlawful content; and (ii) assume no responsibility or liability that may arise from a Hero’s Content, including, but not limited to, claims for defamation, libel, slander, infringement, invasion of privacy and publicity rights, obscenity, pornography, profanity, fraud, or misrepresentation.

You acknowledge that, in order to ensure compliance with legal obligations, may review Content submitted to the Platform to determine whether it is illegal or whether it violates this AUP or the Terms (such as when unlawful content is reported to us). We have the sole discretion to modify, prevent access to, delete, or refuse to display Content that we believe violates law, this AUP, or the Terms. If determines, in our sole discretion, that any use of the violates this AUP or the Terms, causes damage to our brand or reputation, or results in an excessive volume of complaints, we have the right to suspend or terminate your Account and your use of the It is also in our sole discretion to refuse or remove any Content from the Platform or to refuse service to anyone for any reason at any time. may modify this AUP at any time by posting a revised version at AUP. By continuing to use the Platform or accessing your Account after a revised version of this AUP has been posted, you agree to comply with the latest version.  

Reporting Violations

If you identify content that you believe is in violation of this AUP, you may file an abuse report at [email protected]. Please include the URL of the website at issue.

What happens if you violate our policies

Depending on the type of violation of our policies, may respond in several different ways. In some cases, we may allow an appeals process for you to fix the policy violation. If you believe that your access and/or your account has been suspended in error, you may request an appeal by emailing us at [email protected]. Below is a list of various ways we enforce policies, without limiting’s rights under applicable law.

Services suspension

We may suspend you from using the Platform or specific services or features if you violate our policies. This means that you can no longer use the Platform or applicable service until the problem is fixed and has passed a policy review. Depending on the nature of the violation, will use reasonable efforts to notify you of the suspension and give you an opportunity to cure the violation.

Account termination

We may immediately terminate your account, or access to the Platform, if you have several violations or a serious violation. If this happens, access to the Platform or other relevant service(s) will be immediately disabled. Depending on the nature of the violation, we will provide you with access to your account in order to migrate your data off of the In accordance with our [DPA], any Customer Data may be deleted 90 days after your account termination. Any related accounts, including any new account, may be automatically suspended or terminated. We may report any illegal activity if required by law.